25 September 2008

agenda for thursday 25 september

plan for class on Thursday:
  • Turn in one hard copy of Op-Ed to me
  • Workshop Op-Ed pieces using guidelines on eCollege
homework for Tuesday:
  • read chapters 9 and 13 on Evaluations and Humor
  • find a humorous argument related to the election to bring to class (if you watch something on TV, either bring notes about it or a link to the video)
  • blog about the humorous argument and how it's working based on chapter 13
  • begin thinking about what kind of humorous argument you would like to make about your topic and where you would present that argument
here are a few good places to start looking for humorous arguments (warning: some things on some of these sites may have cursing or other things you might find offensive. search with caution):
Obviously these are just a few starting points. There are lots of other television shows that handle politics in a humorous way and websites that cover the topics. Have fun with this.

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